Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Kitty Whiskers

Okay, for the Harvest Party several weeks ago, Annalynn went as a kitty. Cute tiger kitty ears, tail and yes, whiskers. Drawn on by mommy of course, with a good quality Mary Kay eyeliner pencil. Well, here we are almost 4 weeks later, and she still wants to dress up as a kitty now and then. Well, today, she thought she'd draw her OWN kitty whiskers on. With a RED PERMANENT MARKER. And not only did she want kitty WHISKERS, she wanted kitty PAWS and LEGS as well!!!!!!!! SO, yes, we took a picture. After we both had a talk with her. "only mommy and poppy draw the whiskers on...." She was very proud of herself. And let me say that this will definitely take several baths to get off. It is lighter, but still very very obvious. I have errands to run tomorrow, one being a doc appointment. Hmmm...wonder what he'll say about that.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Leaves leaves everywhere

Well, we went out to rake leaves. The dogs are halfway buried when they're in the back yard, so I figured it's time to rake. The nice neighbor, Dave, said if I wanted to pull my van in my driveway after I got 'em raked to the road, he'd push them all over in front of his house, where they don't park, so the street dept can pick them up. Good idea. Annalynn is in the back yard with the dogs. So I pull the van in the driveway and when I go up the steps to put my purse back in the house, THE DOGS ARE OUT!!!!!!SO I grab em up and put them in the house and run to the back yard. I don't see her anywhere. I look in the garage, door was still open from getting the rakes out, and there she sits ON POPPY'S MOTORCYCLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay. So she's learned to open the back gate. No more leaving her alone in the back yard. And once again, THAT'S why I don't let her out of my sight in certain situations. Another one that if I'd heard it from some other mom, I'd have thought "don't you watch your kids???" Judge not lest ye be judged. haha. Oh and we're in a "barrette" mood today. Rare. At this point in time, she has 13 in her hair.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Welcome Yahzee

Well, we have a new addition to our family. He is a 6 year old Boston Terrier named Yahzee. He has not had a teriffic life, he was used as a breeding dog. Has probably spent a lot of time in a cage. His teeth are in bad shape it appears from possibly chewing on the cage door. speculation, but this is what was suspected. He was at a breeders auction. This is what happens to those guys. They are "used up" and then sold on the auction block. If they don't sell, they are sometimes destroyed. this was his last scheduled day on earth. He was one of the last dogs left. The Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue organization had a lady there that bought him for $25. Brought him home to foster him. AT 6 years old, this sweet guy didn't even know how to play. Was very despondent. Just sat around. He has come a long way since July. He came home to live with us a week ago Friday. He LOVES Annalynn. Smudge is doing a good job teaching him to play and chase the cat. He seems SO grateful. He loves to cuddle right up with Annalynn and sleep preferably on her pillow. I put her to bed a few nights ago and went up an hour later to check on her. There she was, her blankie wrapped around him and her arm around his neck. They were both fast asleep. He is patient, sweet natured. Just a good ol boy. We already love him tons. Obie would be happy. In a couple months we will probably start fostering. Taking others in til they can find homes. If anyone would like to help out, go to midwestbtrescue.org and buy a calendar or some cards or maybe you can make a one time donation to keep the website up or donate in some doggie's name to help with a surgery. There are links to vendors that donate to Midwest if you want to do some holiday pet shopping...........This is a GREAT organization. Thanks for reading.