Leaves leaves everywhere
Well, we went out to rake leaves. The dogs are halfway buried when they're in the back yard, so I figured it's time to rake. The nice neighbor, Dave, said if I wanted to pull my van in my driveway after I got 'em raked to the road, he'd push them all over in front of his house, where they don't park, so the street dept can pick them up. Good idea. Annalynn is in the back yard with the dogs. So I pull the van in the driveway and when I go up the steps to put my purse back in the house, THE DOGS ARE OUT!!!!!!SO I grab em up and put them in the house and run to the back yard. I don't see her anywhere. I look in the garage, door was still open from getting the rakes out, and there she sits ON POPPY'S MOTORCYCLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay. So she's learned to open the back gate. No more leaving her alone in the back yard. And once again, THAT'S why I don't let her out of my sight in certain situations. Another one that if I'd heard it from some other mom, I'd have thought "don't you watch your kids???" Judge not lest ye be judged. haha. Oh and we're in a "barrette" mood today. Rare. At this point in time, she has 13 in her hair.
anybody who says stay at home moms "don't work" have never had to clean poop, play dressup, chase dogs, cook, rake leaves (!) and oh yeah do the luxuries like bathe or brush your teeth, all in one day. what a hoot...
LOL. Oh, Pat. I'll never judge you, because I'm sure I'll do the same thing at some point. Of course, baby won't be sitting on Poppy's motorcycle, because I won't let Poppy get a motorcycle. :) LOL.
That's what I said 6 years ago....then I got real depressed and went for a ride. Fell in love all over again. It's a GREAT tool for depression and unlike drugs, won't be on your medical history. hahaha. Oh, did I tell you Annalynn also knows how to start it, open the gas cap, honk the horn and she also knows where the gas is. VROOM VROOM!!!!!!!!!! Now, the day she pulls out on the bike and takes off, well, just check me into the asylum...
the only alternative to letting her do it on her own is to watch her someday get on the motorcycle of a BOYFRIEND... in which case letting HER have a bike suddenly doesn't sound so bad...
OH MY GOODNESS JENNY I never THOUGHT of that. uh, okay, she can get a mini bike for her birthday. I mean, she WILL be 3 in March! hahaha........help me Lord.............
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