Rest in Peace, my little friend
A week ago yesterday, I laid my little friend to rest. Obie, a 14 1/2 year old Boston Terrier. He was with us for 13 of those years. I have never grieved anything or anyone like I have him. I have a physical ache in my chest and heart. I miss him so badly. I have been trying to focus on the good times and happy memories. His last year with us was hard. He never adjusted well to the yard and house as he was blind. I now look back on the last year and realize that I could have helpe him more. I spent too much time complaining about cleaning up pee and being aggravated that he was always wanting to be under my feet. Now I can look back and see he just wanted a safe place to be. And he thought that was next to me, or Day. I miss him so badly. I second guessed myself a lot........."was it really time? was he really that bad?.......could I have loved him back to health......?" Let me tell you something. The things that seemed SOOOOOO important, well, I have found they're just not. The petty things we used to quibble over, they're not so life changing..........I'd give almost anything to clean up a little puddle now. I miss him and can never say it enough. How I wish I could do the last year over. I'd love more and help more and complain less. What an expensive life lesson to learn. Make every day count, folks. You never know when it's going to be a "last" for someone you love. Yes, I know to a lot of people he was "just a dog." But not to me. He was my child, my buddy, my pooch for 13 years. And I don't know that there will ever come a time I don't miss him.
Okay, I could say I wrote another because I wanted to reiterate some things I said. Actually, these both posted at once. I saw the original didn't go up, so wrote another.
good tribute patrick:)
Patty- I am so sorry... I think it is very cool that you were able to be there and hold him. Back in April Rick and I were with our dear friend Randy and we stood by his side as he took his last breath...there is just no way to describe what it's like to feel life leave someone (even if it's our loved pet). I try not to think of that day in the future w/Nutmeg. I can't wait for you to meet her. I agree with you, that we must treasure each day with our loved ones. Cleaning my house and other projects have definately taken a back seat when leaving it means I can spend just one more moment with someone I love.
I love you girl.
Parker's come tomorrow! Parker's come tomorrow! Parker's come tomorrow! I am doing the happy dance! Happy dance! Happy dance! *jass hands*
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