Sorry 'bout that....
Well, I had so much to say at one time. So many jokes. I am just struggling lately. Annalynn is an incredible blessing in my life, and through the joys of being a mommy, I get emotional fulfillment like nothing else can give. But I don't make the time or energy for Day as I should, and it seems we are struggling. Is this just normal for new mommies and daddies??? Can anyone give me an encouraging word??? PLEASE tell me it's not like this forever. Each stage is precious and fun and also for me has its challenges. I don't want to leave her in a room without me. I feel like I can't get things done right now as I am all she wants. Even poppy sometimes just doesn't make the cut. The doc said at her 1 year checkup the other day that it's perfectly normal right now. there's a word I'm not sure of anymore. What the hell is normal??? I don't feel normal. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I have irrational fears about leaving her with others..........."what if their dog gets her"............."what if all those 2 do is fight when she's there and it scares her"................."what if someone steals her from the church nursery"..............the list just goes on and on. I thought I was a freak when I first brought her home, worrying that I'd drop her or hurt her, gosh that was NOTHING compared to this. And Day wants another one????? wow ........... Like my sis said, if I had another one, my sanity might be compromised....