Giving Gifts, Getting Gifts...
My sweet little Annalynn made pine cone ornaments for her teachers and a couple other adults at her school.... We put glue on the edges of the pine cones, she drizzled white sparkly glitter on them and then after they dried, we tied little ribbon to them so they could be hung on trees. Then she very carefully chose which teacher got which ornament. She selected the bag each was to go into, and picked out the tags and bows. We put them all in a box to be delivered to her teachers. The big day came to take them to school.....The first lady she gave one to was the name tag lady out front. And the first thing the lady said to her was, "ANNALYNN! You shouldn't have got me a present!" The look on Annalynn's face was almost heartbreaking. Her eyes got a bit big, she kind of walked away and I quickly tried to smooth it over, don't even remember what I said. I don't think she remembered it after the day was over... but when she gave the next bag to one of her actual teachers inside, thankfully Miss Dianne said "Oh Annalynn! For ME??? How nice of you. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!" her other teachers followed suit. I was so relieved. So here is my deal: whether it be Christmas, Hannukah, your Birthday, a housewarming gift, anniversary gift, Easter present, or whatever..........just say THANK YOU. When someone gives us a gift, it is usually because they wanted to. They love you, like you or at least want to express some positive emotion towards you. I have had times in my life at Christmas where someone said this to me and I have never been brave enough to snatch it back and say "Okay, I'll keep it. I picked it out and I really like it!" We have to get over the feeling of not deserving something or the feeling of guilt that someone spent money on us that we wish they would not have. It has taken me so long to learn to receive. I've had times in my life where I had nothing and could not give a gift that I wish I could have. I've also had times in my life where I've been blessed to be able to give a gift. And I do it because I choose to. Giving is always easier than getting. Let's all take a lesson from this child and learn to be like kids again. Tear the paper off and laugh or cry or hug the one who gave it to you...........whatever. But don't ever ever say "You shouldn't have." Because it's too late. They already did. Have a Merry Christmas. Let's be kids again