Thank You Lord
Thank you LORD for working this out. I am posting for the few that I promised I"d tell the story when I got time. We did a 30 day letter and were pretty much done with the situation with the renters. So about a week later, they called and wanted to know if they could stay through June so they would not have to take the kids out of school and into a new one in the middle of the school year. They also said they could pay us 3 months cash in advance that weekend. So we talked about it and decided we'd try it to see if they would follow through. So they did. So we will be looking for renters in June. I put an ad in the VU Law School newsletter/website. Maybe we can find a few law students to rent for another year til we are in a position to sell it. I don't know how people do this for a living. IT would drive me absolutely insane. Thanks to those of you who have prayed for this situation.