Thursday, October 06, 2005

The week from hell..........

This week and last weekend have been rough. Something bizarre happened pretty much every day. Day has been gone to Dayton for training for 2 weeks. It's been hard enough doing this single mom thing. God bless all you who have done it before. He was home Friday nite til Sunday afternoon, then back down. Our renters seem like they may not work out so well. I fudged on the deposit and told them they could split it up between the first 2 months. I got the first half, but now they can't seem to come up with the second half. They have til Sunday. The first month we prorated the rent to be for the days they were there, of course. Then, the second month was due the 28th. It never showed up. I waited 2 days, then Day called them when he got home. The gal actually called me Friday nite and said, "gosh, I"ve just been so busy, I didn't have time to bring it by, so I mailed it yesterday. I mailed cash, hope that was okay." you don't put $750 in the mail in cash. I said, "well, it's not here and if it never gets here, it is considered not paid and you'll have to payit again." Okay, well let me know if you get it tomorrow or Saturday. Okay, SAturday rolls around. Nothing. So DAy calls them Sunday on his way out of town. He waited because we were having our attorney run a background check. I had a horrible dream about them and the house and just started to get this funny feeling. So the attorney's office calls. There are 2 warrants out on one of them in the state of Arizona for traffic stuff. Not exactly sure what, but at least it's not burglary or murder. And one of them did not give us the correct social security number. Okay so Day calls and leaves a message. "Get the rent here by Monday night or we got a problem. And supply us with the correct SSN." Okay, so the guy calls him back Sunday night. "She didn't mail cash, I mailed a money order Friday." Okay, so it should be here Monday. DAy said if it's not here Monday, you need to come and pay it MOnday night. Ok. so Monday, the gal calls. "I just don't know WHAT'S going on. So I'm coming by today to bring cash." Okay. Want directions to the house? Sure. Have you ever been to LaPorte? LAPORTE???? I thought you lived in Portage, I mailed it to Portage!!!!!!!! (no you didn't....) Okay, now if you are reading the address off and copying it onto an envelope, why didn't you read the whole thing...Okay, now we got a problem. The rent is due today with the late fee. Period. Okay, she'll leave in just a bit. The phone rings 10 minutes later, I just KNOW who it is. "Hi this is ______. ____'s mom is coming by and she's always late anyway, So I'll be leaving around 3:30." I hang up and think to myself, she is not coming. I gave her directions and she didn't have enough time to write it down, so I know she's not. So I call back, "TEll ya what. I'll just come pick it up, that way you don't get lost..." oooooo, okay. what time are you coming? No, WHAT TIME WILL YOU BE HOME. Can you come around 4:30-5? No, I have to be back by then. I'll come between 4 and 4:15. Okay. SO I go to put Annalynn in the van and she's wet. BAck into the house to change her. I go back out, put her in the carseat and guess what. My purse is in the house. Locked. By this time, excuse my language, I am so fucking mad I could just beat the shit out of someone. (don't worry, not Annalynn, haha. ). So I put Annalynn in the sandbox, shut the gate and grab the neighbors ladder. There is one window with loose screws and none of these windows lock anyway. I get up on the damn ladder and pull the screen the rest of the way off. I grab some needle nose pliers out of the van and can reach in just enough to hook my purse. Okay, now we're off on a trip we shouldn't have to make. So I get there, and guess what.............the one who supposedly has the money order is not there.It's 4:15. I wait til 4:35 and told her, "Things are not looking so good.You told me you guys don't smoke (she was standing there smoking when I got there) Oh, but I don't smoke IN THE HOUSE. Well, that's not what I meant when I asked to begin with. so lie number one, or rather 17. There is a screen off on the front of the house. Yeah, I know, one of the girls bumped it and it fell off. Bullshit. She locked herself out once. i did the same thing and went in the same window one time. (gosh, I have done this more than once....) "Okay, well just get it put back up." I said we'd be in touch. "Oh, I'm so sorry Pat, I'll have him bring it out tonight. " And by the way, she said she was upset he was late because she had to leave for work at 4:30. After she told me to be there between 4:30 and 5. WEll, off I go down the road and here comes the guy. I pulled over and got my money order and took it right to the bank. So, it's just not looking good. If that rent is not here the due date next month, they are out. I am not chasing it down every month. Tuesday, I go to sleep and Annalynn is in bed with me. With pillows between her and her side of the bed. I wake up in the middle of the night to her just screaming and I bolt up and do not see her anywhere. She had slid down between the side of the bed and the glider rocker next to it, head first. We were both horrified. I put her on the boob and just rocked her and prayed for her and calmed her down. Then WEdnesday, our car got egged. There was a big brawl out on the street in front of the house over the weekend and we had to call the cops. Then today I LOCKED MYSELF OUT OF THE HOUSE AGAIN. I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pissed off. I was trying to carry too much out to the car to leave for Day's mom's birthday dinner. I got Annalynn in the car seat and looked to grab my purse. OOOOOOOOOOOOO was I hot. So off to the neighbors for the ladder. Thank God DAy's makita drill was charged up. Makes getting the screws off the screen a lot easier. On Day's last 2 checks, someone didn't do something right, so they were both half checks, so that has just added to everything else. His boss went on vacation and his right hand man don't know what he's doing. And the check before that, Day just disappeared from the database half way through, so he got half a check. So they owe him quite and by the time they add that to his regular check, most of it will be gone in taxes. Last week I had a dream that some people were holding me down and injecting something into me, and later the next day , I noticed these little spots in the crook of my elbow where you'd normally get a shot. I have been feeling just plain under attack. Last week, a catalog came to the man who used to live here, who's dead. It was a catalog with spell books and witch wands and all kinds of idols and gods and weird shit. very bizarre. makes me wonder what went on in this house. SO, that's how my last 2 weeks have been. Hope all of yours have been better. I'm off to bed. Should be a quiet night since I got the incident for today out of the way. hahaha.


Blogger Nothing said...

OH Gosh Pat.....Hi I read your blog occasionally, you probably didn't know that. Wow what a time you have been through and I certainly will be praying for all of you and about the house there. I hate those days and weeks and seasons that feel like they are delivered directly by satan himself right to your front door. I pray you have a peaceful weekend and that things begin to turn around......IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!

10:24 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Sara said...

Aw geez. I'm sorry, Pat. That's totally crappy.

You want me to pay a visit to your renters and send a message? ;)

6:13 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth F. said...

Sounds like not much else could go wrong! Your story was sucked me in to read the whole thing.

I say "can" the renters if they are late again! That's crazy...all that you had to go through! We'll be interested in hearing of the "real SS #" turns up anything interesting.

Have you had your home prayed over? Sounds like it needs some real spiritual cleansing and protection.

11:54 AM  

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