Monday, September 26, 2005

The Big Move.................

I don't even know where to begin. this house needed a ton of work. and I'm not talking "hey-i'm-feeling-spoiled-i'd-like-new-curtains-and-carpet" stuff. I'm talking wires hanging out, holes, though small they're still holes in walls, rooms with NO LIGHTS in them, nasty stinky carpet with even nastier flooring underneath in the kitchen that perpetually stinks like dog pee so mine are always peeing in there too......................(let me know when ya wanna come for supper,,,,,,hee hee hee.) Checked under some areas of the carpet in the living room and dining room and it was BEAUTIFUL hardwood floor underneath. Okay, so we'll just sand it and refinish it. It will be LOTS cheaper than carpet and very beautiful. Off to Menards for stain, varnish, the "how to" video and all the stuff in between. Started to pull up the carpet and we were pretty excited......until we got to a plywood patch, and another and another............okay. plan b. this room will have carpet, let's look at the next. beautiful wood floor, until we got to the spot where either someone died there or the water damage was so extensive and sat for so long it just rotted the wood. But the way it smelled when Day started to pull up the wood, I'm pretty sure there is a mobster buried under there..............Back to Menards to RETURN the stain, etc etc. Let's just buy plywood and some floor paint. Okey dokey. so Day laid a sub floor of plywood and I painted it and we put 2 area carpets down for now til we have money for carpet. good thing though, because poor blind Obie is so confused here he doesn't know how to"ask" to go out, so he just pisses wherever he is sometimes. At least the carpets were only $27 each...The back door is too big for the hole it's in, so you have to literally throw yourself up against it to get in or out. And thats where I let the dogs out into the back yard to pee when they ain't a'peein in the house. I know...nice..... The little back porch is a horrific mixture of "what-the-hell-is-on-this-floor" ick stuff that your feet stick to and chipping paint that would probably ignite the lead meter on the shuttle. Some of the windows are painted shut and the ones that aren't are cracked with rotted casings and busted pullies But hey, that old woodwork around them looks really cool. since we've been here, we have had many bizzarre little mishaps. About the second or third night here, I was up in the bedroom rocking Annalynn to sleep. Day, the king of noise makers, is downstairs looking for the drain opener because none of the drains actually drain and sitting in the tub with half clean water and half your early morning shower water is just gross.... He is in the dark, because there are no lights in the kitchen, and all of a sudden I hear CRASH BAM CRASH.....what the hell is this guy DOING down there??? I see him hobble up the stairs and stick his foot in the sink. he bashed a toe into the dog cage, broke the nail up off the bed, when he threw his other foot out to catch himself, he bashed his other toe, and as he fell over the top of the dog cage, he caught his arm on the table and then fell over the whole heap and banged up both knees. Imagine seeing Day doing this.................IN THE NUDE!!! Hahaha. (He'll whip me if he reads this....) There is a lot to do still and it'shard to do some of this with annalynn around, so I work while she sleeps. Day is gone now for a week of training in Dayton then will be home next weekend and then gone another week. THEN he might be able to take a few days off and get some stuff done. I tried my hand at painting last night. uh, I just need to stick to cakes. It was like the 3 stooges, but with 2 on vacation. I leaned over the dog gate to throw something away, and had a little container of paint in my hand. when I leaned over, I tipped the paint and spilled it all over the beautiful kitchen carpet. THAT just breaks my heart... then I was moving my little stepstool and carrying the paint tray at the same time....yeah, you guessed it....spilled about half of that on the living room floor. But see, the cool thing with this wonderful Dutch Boy floor paint I bought is that when you clean up whatever you spill on it, the floor paint comes off too. I just SUCK at painting. still graceful after all these years. hahaha. But Hey, I have gas and electric now, $1,268.25 later.................and my house payment is smaller and I don't have a garbage bill now and my water bill will be about half of what it was with LAC. Now we can finally buy that second car.....And Now we can finally have some money to go out once in awhile.................that or pay off the Menards bill. I think I'll buy some stock there. But when this place is done, it is going to be SOOo cool. My mom took "before" pictures and I'm going to do some after pics and will post them as we go. And oh, I've lost 3 or 4 pounds since we got here. Wanna lose weight? Buy a house with the only bathroom up the stairs and use a dorm size fridge. You'll eat less and work out more. Later mateys. Gotta get some sleep. zzzzzzzzzzzz


Blogger patty said...

who the hell is advertising on my blog????? help me do you STOP this???????

9:42 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Sara said...

When you sign in to blogger, you'll find a little tab about signing up for word verification. Do that, and the spammers (at least the non-human ones) won't be able to post.

By the way, THANK YOU so much for adding the "in the nude" part to this wonderful story. I'm scarred for life now.

7:59 AM  
Blogger patty said...

Okay, I did that. Thanks. Freakin weirdos. Do they really think I'm gonna give 'em my credit card number and buy a rolex watch or a hamster wheel or what?

6:49 PM  

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