Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Interesting thoughts..............

Okay, tonight I was reading in the book of Amos and I was reading God's words: " I sent locusts to eat your crops and yet you did not return to me, I sent blight and mildew and you did not return to me, I did not send rain for 3 months and you did not return to me........" and then I thought about how when something bad happens, so many are quick to say, "Well, God would never allow that to happen, so it must be the devil and God will use it for good..." Have you ever read the scripture, " He has torn us but He will heal us....." Does anyone else wonder what that means? I think sometimes people say "Oh, that's not literal, that's figurative...." Well I say this: God has allowed lots of bad things to happen. And why? TO GET US TO RETURN TO HIM!!!!!!!!!!! How often do some of us, okay, I'll use me as an example: How often do I go out and beat my chest and raise my hands and declare to the high heavens that GOD IS GOOD AND HE IS FAITHFUL when I get a big fat check in the mail and no one here has been sick and the van is running perfectly and Annalynn is a little angel for a week at a time and Day is the perfect husband and the scale says I lost 20 pounds overnight and ............well, you get the picture............. On the other hand, when Day's company screws his check up TWICE and we are still waiting for 6 weeks now to get a big bundle of money that was owed him, to pay the bills so people stop calling and breathing down my neck, and the van has that little shake that tells me we gotta get rid of this thing fast, and Annalynn is teething and fussing and screaming and surprising me with things I NEVER Thought she'd do and Day is gone for 2 weeks leaving me amongst boxes and holes and wires, and no matter what I do that damn last 2 pounds WILL NOT budge, and the renters won't pay their rent and Annalynn falls off the bed in the middle of the night and gets wedged between the bed and rocker on her head, and well............................that's when I pull out my bible and pray and try to get close to God. And it's then that I realize, He will allow things to happen because He knows I need Him more than I know I need Him and He wants me to come talk to Him and sit on His lap. I Love it when Annalynn just comes to me and wants to sit on me and just cuddle. And we're just people. How much more does God want that from us and sometimes He will use any means necessary to get that and to save us. sometimes from ourselves. Just a thought.................


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