Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Pass the Chips Please

Okay, this is one of those precious mommy-don't-yell-this-it-too-cute moments. Day and I and Annalynn ate a little lunch yesterday. I left the bag of chips on the table when we were done. I went upstairs and a bit later came down and the FIRST thing I saw was the look on Annalynn's face that CLEARLY told me "OOPS, she caught me." Then very sweetly she says "Only eat the ones in the bowl." I look next to her and there is her little veggie tale bowl with about 6 inches of chips piled up and spilling over the sides. And obviously the rest of the bag was around the bowl on the drum case where the dogs lay. I just laughed and said "Honey, it will take you 2 weeks to eat the ones in the bowl." She is just too sweet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's up there with hannah's "mom i don't really remember but i may have a pencil eraser in my ear." they're so cute you can't yell...and after the occasional trip to the ER you can laugh once you know everyone's ok... :)

11:56 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Sara said...

Ha, that's funny! I like how she reminded you what you said so she wouldn't get in trouble. "Only eat the ones in the bowl." LMAO.

6:31 AM  

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