OH my GOODNESS if I don't get this nap thing down I'm gonna go absolutely freaking NUUUUUUUTTSSSSS. Okay fellow moms............gimme some advice for putting toddlers down for a nap. I mean, I KNOW when my child needs a nap......red eyes, rubbing eyes, stumbling, getting clumsy and hurting herself, it's "nap time" anyway, I mean the signs are all there and when I DO finally get her to close her eyes for anything longer than 30 seconds, she's asleep within 2 minutes MAX and SHE SLEEPS FOR 3 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What I DON'T like is having to yell, get nasty and threaten to put her in time out if she doesn't close her eyes NOW. What has worked so far, but is not working lately is this: I tell her that when we're done with the present activity, we're going to read a few books and take a schnoozy together. We finish what we're doing, go in and lie down and she picks out 2 or 3 books, I read.WE kiss and sometimes say a prayer and she pretty much goes to sleep. Even if I have to lay with her a little and cuddle and give some hugs and stuff, it's pretty much been working. What I've heard is SO true "you get it all figured out and then the rules change. Nap time over the last week or so has driven me to the point of calling Jenny CRYING, calling Day and asking how far he is from the house so HE can do it, just wanting to get in the van and DRIVE and let the DOGS watch her (I'm not going to do that so PLEASE don't call social services...) and just flat out sticking a garlic laden red hot POKER in my eye..........SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE.
Hmmmmm......I wish I had some really genius advice for you. Jack typiclly just kind of falls asleep when he is tired which is around 3 or so. I used to lay down with him but now I will just turn on a cartoon. Yes, I know, I am the worst mom in the world because I let him fall asleep while watching TV, but it works. :)It normally takes just a few minutes. He would be happier if I laid down with him but I dont have the time I used to with 2. There are times when he goes through phases where he fights it but it doesnt seem to last long. Like a week or so. Maybe she is just in a weird phase? Sorry that I dont have anything great to say.
Remind us of how old she is now. age really makes a difference...
I have found that laying with my kids sometimes distracts them. They think it's PLAYTIME! So, they have to go it alone.
I'm not an advocate of cryin git out, but there are a few times that I have tried everything. I know they are just deliriously tired. I have had to put them in their bed and let them cry. For me, 15 mins is about the max. I do not believe in letting kids cry for longer. Usually 5-10 mins does it and they are zonked out.
I think you are are the right track and doing the right things. Preparation is key. You're doing that. Transition time...reading...you're doing that.
The only 2 things I suggest are:
1-You cannot make a child go to sleep. (Unless you drug them! he...he...) We go through phases where nap is not going well. So, I tell them to not go to sleep. (Reverse Psychology soemtimes works) They HAVE TO HAVE QUIET TIME though. Reading books on their bed. Maybe a movie if all else fails. There are consequences for getting out of their bed though. It sucks, I know. Our quiet time is at least 1-1.5 hours. Usually they fall asleep and it ends up being longer.
2-Sometimes when children get over-tired they fight it more. Try putting her down sooner. I saw a Pediatrician on TV one time that said that. I thought he was nuts. HE said, "Sleep begets sleep." The more you get, the more you want. So, I started putting my kids down sooner at night and bedtime did get easier.I have found that it works for naps as well.
Good Luck!!
Shot of whiskey, shot of honey. Works like a charm. :)
Elizabeth, she's 3 months shy of being 3 years old. I might have solved the problem. It started again today and I called Day at the end of my rope. I put her on the phone. She said "okay." and a few other little things, gave me the phone and headed in to the bedroom. I got on the phone and asked what he told her. He told her to GO TO BED and take a nap. So she did. .....well, she did try one more stall tactic, but I'm not sure if it was a true stall....we're potty training right now. She's doing GREAT this week after taking a month hiatus. And when she got in bed, she said she had to use the potty. So how can you tell them NO when you're encouraging it? She sat on it a bit and then started playing with her tub toys. I told her, "Poppy said we need to go take a nap so we don't get in trouble." She went in and got in bed and was asleep within 10 minutes. SOOOOo I guess if I have to call Day every day....hee hee hee......HE did inform me that I have to stop caving (which I've been doing lately because I feel so bad when she has "sad tears" and I stay with her after I've threatened to out of the room..and then like you said, it's play time for her with her mommy buddy.....) but he also informed me that although I want to believe she's a little angel, she does have a sin nature and she's NOT a perfect little tweetie pie and she is manipulating me. HE went on to say that manipulative little girl will turn into a bigger girl and then a manipulative teen and undisciplined adult. So for her sake I need to follow through. So I did today. Sometimes it's so hard when our mother nature wants to comfort and make it all better. I tried the earlier time today andit just didn't work. It seems like her nap time is just going to be 2 or 2:30 for now. She's been sleeping almost 3 hours. So I KNOW she's tired, and she always wakes up SOOOOOOhappy and in such a better mood. I wonder if she's just going through a growing spurt.
I'm sure it is hard, Pat! But it's true... you don't want her to learn that manipulation works. I've known a great many manipulative teenagers, and it is NOT a pretty sight. You can do it, Patty!
i'm home from florida and checkin in...i say amen day parker, we mommies are ALL suckers for the tears. we need to get over it while they're little because when they're 13 it'll be a whole new game of manipulation...no matter how cute they are!
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