What in the Sam H.......
Okay. My little girl is going thru some weird sleep thing. One night, she didn't go to sleep til 2:00 A.M.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The next night was 10. I have tried it all, don't even go there................then the other day we're eating lunch. she starts choking. I've been thru that once before. It is scary. can't breathe, can't swallow, talk, I tell her to open her mouth big and let mommy help her........she opens her mouth and it's a big piece of tough chicken I didn't cut small enough....she cries huge tears and I know her throat had to hurt, because I was diggin in there. We go upstairs later on to take a nap............I lay down with her, read a few stories and after a half hour, decide to go to my computer and just be close by to make sure she goes to sleep. I hear this horrible shriek and run in to see her practically HANGING by her little wrist that has the blind cords wrapped around it several times. I lifted her up and am trying to get these suckers off, and I can hardly unwind them, they are so tangled up and tight. She was screaming. It was awful. I don't know how she even reached them. When the blind is down, which it was, they are just inches from the top of the window. We have old windows that are pretty tall. She had to have been on tiptoes on the edge of the bed and pracically jumped to reach them. that was the beginning of the end. Then she could not move her arm, her hand was a little blue and had a bad red mark on it. It's better today and she could move her fingers. tonight it seems she is pretty much back to normal. Sunday night, a big piece of cement blew off our chimney and landed RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DRIVERS SIDE WINDSHIELD. It seems every day is some small, or rather not so small, crisis. People tell me "stop hovering, just put her down and leave..." this is why I DON'T. I KNOW my child right now and the cognitive functions are speeding along...........so during these stages I DON'T just let her run off and see what happens. a week or so ago, the blind cord was around her NECK in a different room. So was a cute beaded necklace. around the neck and a doorknob. So the necklaces have been packed away and the blind cords are cut. wow. has anyone else been thru stuff like this? I almost feel like we are under an attack.
While I was reading that, I totally was thinking that you were under attack. Good call cutting those cords (they also make child-proofing thingies for them as well). Alot of caution can never hurt! I dunno...hang in there...I'll say a prayer for you tonight.
motherhood. not for the faint of heart.
Well Pat I know the feeling, if it's not one thing trying to rob you its another, huh. I have said a prayer for you.
oh where, oh where has our patty gone..oh where, oh where can she be... ?!
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