Thursday, April 06, 2006


Over the next few days, I am going to be posting some lengthy blogs. One has to do with health insurance and things some of you may not know, especially younger adults that maybe have not had to deal with a hospital trip or the birth of a child. There are some things you NEED TO KNOW so you don't end up going broke over an emergency room trip. I've just had some situations over the last several years and have been disgusted with the whole thing. I have learned a lot and want to share what I have experienced.

The next set of blogs will have to do with something near and dear to Day's and my hearts: Native America. The hatred for the people who were here first, put here by Creator, that still runs strong today. If this story moves your heart, there is something you can do to help. I have been just absolutely disgusted with the whole thing and again, I don't normally "speak out" but this time I am. It's stuff like this that does NOT make me "proud to be an American...." (yes, I support our guys and gals laying their lives on the line........don't go there.........stick to the story at hand.........).......but when we are at an event where the pledge of allegiance is spoken, you will not find us with our hands over our hearts. You will see us with bowed heads praying for our country.......(yes, I know they are over there fighting for our right to do that and for that I am thankful...........again, don't even go there....)

Please forward either of these sets of blogs-to-come to anyone you think might be interested. I welcome any and all feedback, opinions, questions and legitimate corrections. So stay tuned to this channel over the next couple days............


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